- Background
- Cyan
- 4.7%
- 616.16
- Base Body
- Light
- 16.47%
- 591.51
- Footgears
- Slippers
- 8.87%
- 616.16
- Garments
- Black-Tuxedo
- 3.96%
- 656.58
- Hair Base Section
- Scruffy-White
- 6.39%
- 616.16
- Hair Front Section
- Scruffy-White
- 8.1%
- 615.17
- Headgears
- Boys-Cap
- 7.18%
- 754.18
- Mouth Accessories and Masks
- Ninja-Black-Half-Mask
- 4.39%
- 1.4K
- Shadow
- Shadow
- 100%
- 591.51
- Trousers
- Summer-Trousers-1
- 4.23%
- 670.38
Chilled Kids
Chilled Kids #314
Web3, Staking, Interactive Gallery, Profit shares and lots of fun!
Created by chilledkidszone
Price: 2K STARS($5.80)